Wednesday 28 July 2010

Impulse Balm

So..... I thought I would give the blogging another go, I had high hopes for myself typing away funny witty remarks that would have peoples shoulders shaking and thinking that girl is hilarious.

But it never really happened, my first couple of posts had a "please sir can I have some more (talent)" whinge about them. So I had kind of put myself off me. Most of it sounded funnier in my head - doesn't it always?!! But I really wanted to give it another go so I have decided to post about things I’m enjoying, no rhyme or reason to it.

I have had rubbish skin for a couple of months there so had bought a cheap cleansing balm from Boots which was doing the job just fine. Then I decided I would need some Bobbi Brown eyeliner and whilst at the counter I happened upon this. Bobbi Brown extra balm rinse.

I opened it for a quick look when the girl went to get what I had asked for and the smell that floated up was just fabulous, a wonderful warm orange citrus, I just had to have it.

It is in a beautifully plain heavy glass jar that just oozes quality and style, it makes me long for a wonderful space in the bathroom that I could display it on and say “hey look at me, aren’t I grown up with such lovely items sitting about.”

Now normally my impulse purchases are consigned to the bin or the rellies if they don’t work out, but I really can’t put into words how good this is. Five minutes in the morning and it really sets me up for the day. It really is the smell; it’s like the psssft of oil that comes from the skin of an orange when you put your thumb in to peel it. The balm has a texture of thick sticky honey when you apply it to your face and I find it warms as I massage it in. I rinse it off with a warm cloth that surrounds me in that wonderful smell before I have to face the world, and for a few moments I am on a beach in Greece with bright sunshine beating down on me.I love the places that smells and music can take you to.

I have to be honest my skin is fine now, although I can’t say how much of that is down to the balm, but it’s worth every penny in therapeutic value alone

Sunday 21 March 2010

Teeth and Eyes

This morning was meant to be relaxing but one of our schnauzers loves our bed as much as we do, so she cries to get up.It's a habit we had broken but with being off work for a week we let her sneak up and boy, are we sorry.
Work looming and being firm we thought we will not let her come up no matter how much she cries, get back into the routine. So she was told to settle and get into her own bed. Which she did, only with Hubby's glasses for a good chew. They are completely destroyed. Do you like the picture of the fangs of doom?
Well tomorrow, instead of a last day of doing nothing before back to work is all about searching for new specs. I should be delighted as shopping is my olympic sport but would rather spend it lazing on the sofa. Hubby wants to know if anyone is looking for a schnauzer free to a good home. ONLY KIDDING!! (well I hope so).

Saturday 20 March 2010

First Post

So this is my first post, unsure how it's going to go or what I really think about blogging, but the last few weeks I have been trawling the Internet, blog spots etc. and I can't really find anything I want to read. My other half looking over my shoulder says "Why don't you do that,you could do that..."
I have to say am quite unsure about making my thoughts public but there must be a few other people with same views and ideas. The title is mainly what I'm thinking about these days so expect a few posts in relation to this. I have fallen into that 35+ age group in surveys and unfortunately still feel about 17. Old, disgracefully, mutton, lamb & wrinkly are just a few words floating about in the ether.
I have decided it may be time to try my hand at this, hopefully someone will like/want to read it , I apologise in advance for my thoughts and most likely irreverent views,(found a lot of very serious bloggers out there) but I imagine what is floating around in my very scatty brain will end up on the screen. And then again i may just live to regret it! I have never kept a journal or a diary so this will be a new experience for me, I think it will be a mix of whatever is on my mind and reviews of a mix of things,purchases, music, films.
Here goes nothing!!